Thursday, December 22, 2005

Tell them that Blue Horshoe loves Anacott steel

I sat in second cup on my laptop trying to concentrate and all I could hear were two stupid voices coming from behind me talking about stocks. Buy high sell low..Yeah shut up! I had to consult "Numbas" and had to find something I could say to these two. Numbas had nothing except a line in a movie. Blue horshoe loves anacott steel. I turned and said that to them with cockiest face I could conjure. They stopped and looked at me as if I had the largest piece of snot danglin' from my overinflated nostrils. So I decided to say it again. I looked at them with my eyes half open as if I knew exactly what I was saying and said it again louder. I then placed my finger over my mouth and made a very steady and annoying shhhing sound. They weren't convince. That's when I pulled out the big guns. Helium is up, feathers are down. Paper was stationary. Ticonderoga pencils lost a few points, light switches were off and mining equipment hit rock bottom. The market for raisins dried up and pampers remained unchanged. catapiller stocks inched up a bit, Sun peaked at midday, birds eye peas split and Scott tissues touched a new bottom. That's when they both went back to talking. I had won. Victory was mine!

written by: the stagnant maggot


Plume said...

Invest in bet

Fri Dec 23, 10:56:00 PM  

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