Tuesday, December 13, 2005

How it all Began.

Many years ago an elite group ruled what was known as the Saraguay township. Areas such as the park, the little store, the path, the woods, the train tracks, and the tree house where all important in protecting and keeping a sharp watchful eye on the"frogs" from infiltrating the land we called our home. It wasn't much of a tree house. The French kids in the neighborhood built it and left it to rot. We only acted from with out scavenger nature when we assimilated it and called it our own. Ahh those frenchies, froggy legs, lily pad sluts. They were keeners at making stuff that they even built a tank. It all started when we used to run Big Wheel fights our in front of J's and Car's house. Charging little punks like Marky two bucks to watch. There was a time when we pushed him in the pit where 7 or 8 kids on big wheels where smashing into each other like bumper cars. The tank incident was a little different. We had been protecting Angelo's grand mothers house when they were building it. I remember clearly standing on a pile of rocks telling the French bastards to take a hike. One of them threw a rock at my head. I turned my face and ducked using the techniques I learnt from my brother to dodge the rock. Well regardless to say it didn't work. I was rushed to hospital and got 6 stitches in my head. War had been declared! We set a date and waited out near what is now the bocce field in the bushes. The gang was surprised to see a big moving box coming down the street. Us being the savages we were attacked it will all our strength. Did those bastard frenchies (sorry Frederick) catch a beating. Again, our true nature came out and we took their plywood tank on wheels home. To this day I have no idea where the tank found its finally resting place.

Il Duce "too-loose"


Anonymous said...

WOW, does that shit bring back memories...remember Rupert at all?

Wed Dec 21, 07:21:00 PM  
Saraguay Solicite said...

whos rupert???

Fri Dec 23, 04:03:00 AM  

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